Friday, November 23, 2007

And the list went as such...

I am DJing again tonight. If our usual stream is down, I will be here.

This will be starting at 10 central, 8 pacific.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

And that was two minutes before the whole thing was supposed to start.

Last night was Jasper's Haifisch's one-year rez-day (like a birthday for the account). We were supposed to kick off things at the Velvet at 8 PM SL time, but a "hop-scotch" restart was going around the grid. Every so often, the Lindens restart the servers that host various sims (regions). So the conversation went like this:

Isa: Yeah, I think there's going to be a restart soon.
Me: Do we know when?
Jasper: No idea.
Haedon: They're going to make it a surprise.
Me: Well if that don't beat all.
SYSTEM: The region you were connected to is currently unavailable.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Here's the two hours I threw together

There was an emergency at the Velvet on Halloween.