Saturday, October 25, 2008

I'm setting up the board at eight.

Listen: Let's play this game I know
We'll pretend these berries are money
And we can buy clothes and fancy houses
But we won't have to pay for groceries or gas
Because we don't eat! And everyone can fly
It will never get hot or cold or rain
We'll travel the world and never worry about passports
And we'll never get sick and we'll stay young forever

It'll be fun.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

We'll traipse down memory lane at eight

So many times we've gathered here
To talk and drink and dance
A glass of wine, a mug of beer
Pronouncements gone askance
To all the patrons and the staff,
Each one of you's a friend.
This time I've loved (while working half)
Should never reach an end.
So dance again, you ghosts of light!
Upon a shadowed floor
My fiftieth show is tonight
I'll yet do fifty more

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I know, not my best. It's been a tiring and trying week.

Round and round and down it goes
The markets are all flailing.
It's time Wall Street greed was opposed
To keep our banks from failing.
So now we turn to one who knows
We'll listen to what he's saying.
Who'll slay those giants, you suppose?
John Quixote and Sancho Palin.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Well, I have a couple weeks yet.

October's here, so it would seem
I'm faced with such troubled themes
Now, I have to pick between
Politics and Halloween