Saturday, December 26, 2009

I promise I won't puke

I'm glad I took a Pepcid
I'm glad I wore a coat
I'm glad the snow all melted
Glad the folks aren't remote
I know I drank to excess
There was so much I ate!
But I've got tunes I'm playing
So come join me at eight.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Skate the Lake at Eight

What a lonesome time of year!
It feels like there is no one here.
All off with their mom or dad,
No broadband or install had.
But I'll be playing anyway,
We're so close to that holiday.
If I miss you before it's done,
At least stay safe, be nice, have fun.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

What is it about the number eight?

All spiders love Hanukkah! Candles match our tiny feet
The shammus only left behind, held in non-existent teeth.
Wrapping tiny presents is a joy we can't deny
Come join us for a Barukh atah Adonai.

Friday, December 4, 2009

no show

I do not have a set tonight
I've donated my slot
To Mr. Maht Wuyts
Who'll be playing a lot.
The boy's running a marathon
And it's for a good cause
So come and donate monies
And support and applause.