Saturday, September 24, 2011

We go super-urban downtown at 9

I know the place I like to be
I know where I belong
If I venture into the country
I make sure not stay long
So tonight, I celebrate cities
With an assortment of songs

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Let's see what you've got at nine

There are the body-building types
Who bother lifting weights
And then plastic surgery addicts
Who trim off what they hate.

But! there is an simpler way
To look good, if you can.
Frankenstein had it all wrong.
It's clothes that make the man.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I realize how much of my life I wasted at nine

The notices really started in '08
I'd spit out my little rhymes
Some of them were genius (and some not so great)
Announcing a theme and the time

I was one of the few playing jazz
When I started four years ago.
Later on, I was following Az,
Who'd play anything, as you know

And so I go on, doing my little thing
Watching the crowds ebb and flow
Hoping maybe that the notice might bring
Folks to the club. But you know...?

I'd play if the crowd numbers only one.
I don't play for money or fame, but for fun.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

no show

I will be at a convention, so no show tonight.