Saturday, November 29, 2008

Party starts at eight. Bring a hat.

So if I played a lot of songs about yams and turkey
I'd expect you all to come and laugh and point at me
There doesn't seem to be much cause, now that Thanksgiving's passed
So help me celebrate three years of sitting on my ass.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The begging starts at 8

If only they had asked for cash
A month or two before
Then, we might have tossed in
A couple billion more
But the banks all beat them to it
With needs we all addressed
I guess that's the difference
Between a sucker and success

Saturday, November 15, 2008

5, 6, 7, 8, who do we depreciate?

I could have played a set tonight
About service in war
But that didn't quite feel right
Because it's such a bore
But military music has a beat
That drum and bugle play
That dance artists all thought was sweet
So that's what I will play.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

So glad that is all over with

That knot is your stomach was history
Full of tension and acidity
But now all of that tension's gone
Because it looks like our team won
So now it's time to celebrate
We'll drink drink and dance starting at eight.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Same Bat-Time, New Bat-Location

Ghouls and zombies roam the streets
Playing tricks and seeking treats
Frankenstein's monster restored
Or wild were-woman so abhorred
Shambling corpses reach out, blind,
Trying to seize both hearts and minds
Hide your face and shake and scream!
Forget politics, it's Halloween.