Saturday, September 28, 2013

Surprise! at nine

I didn't expect to play tonight, but I did.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Feline at nine

"English is best, you can take it from me!"
Declared a cat named One-Two-Three.
To prove that it should be the case
He challenged another to a race.
The other cat, named Un-Deux-Trois
Thought his language should be the law
And to show the might of his dear Français,
He and his opponent, one fine day,
From England to France, both tried to swim.
In such a race, now, who should win?
One-Two-Three had French to thank
For un deux trois quatre cinq

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Remember, it starts at nine

Last year, on this day,
I just didn't play
And I bet you aren't wondering why
But, tonight, if you're free
Come on down and join me.
There's a thing that I'm dying to try.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Rumors of my return start at nine

I'm sorry that I went away
I'm happy that I'm back
And, tonight, the stuff I play
Should help to reflect that.