Saturday, July 25, 2020

My chin is gonna be so thin at nine

Sometimes, things aren't all that fun
I know it's not too much to ask
But if we want to see 2021
Please, just wear the goddamned mask

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Longer, slower, cooler at nine

The mercury keeps climbing
It's crossing that red line
It's time to take things slowly
Let's all just take our time

Saturday, July 4, 2020

I can still love here at nine

The bodies were in the streets
Before we had cell phones
So much time was wasted
While we hid in our homes

It was never a good system
On that we all agree
The opportunity has been lost
It's time we'll never see

While we prepare our futures
And mourn for our all dead
"This isn't my America,"
Is what somebody said

Everything is laid bare,
We all can see the parts
Now, we roll our sleeves up
Now, the real work starts