Saturday, January 26, 2008

Which was also on a Friday.

A week in review...

On Tuesday, Mozilla turned ten, and what's more
On Thursday, the Apple Macintosh, twenty-four.
And just how can I share this info with you?
Wikipedia switched to its new software in '02.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

That's at the Velvet, in Second Life Time.

Goddamn, but it's been a heck of a week
Of dealing with things and people we hate.
But the weekend is here and we're due to unwind
From all those horrors of which we not speak.
And so the party had started at eight

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Winchester is gone

On the nights that I do my gig, I have this little ritual I do. First, check to see that the stream is available. Next, set up the Linux box to monitor the stream. Send out IM links to outside listeners, and then sign onto Second Life.

So, usually, when I sign on, I send out the notice to the Velvet group that I'm spinning and what the "theme" is going to be, then hang out at the Winchester for an hour or so, and then pop over to the Velvet for my set. I like to pop by the Win because Massacre and Astrud have their sets over there and I like to get a feel for how the crowds are.

Last night, my theme was "I'm not dead yet" and I discussed how it felt like the Universe had been out to get me all week. I think this is because I'm closing it out with an ear-infection and the only thing that feels more personal than an ear-infection is something that involves yeast. The less said about that the better. But, surviving adversary was my theme and I wish I had sent out that notice after going over to the Winchester.

Because the Winchester is gone. It's a victim of drama that I'm not going to go into here, but the club is gone and I feel really bad for a lot of people. When they opened back in the spring, there was a really good feeling there and a lot of very good people were there. It was a real sister club for the Velvet, and not just because we shared a lot of the same DJs and clientèle, but because it had that same feeling of home and it was a safe place and up until a month ago, it had been one of those drama-free places to go. As the avatar says, I am a sad spider. ::::-(

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Another set at the Velvet

 I only played for a couple hours Friday night. Coming back from the holidays has worn everyone out.