Saturday, November 24, 2012

Side helping with sides at nine.

I hope that everyone who does
Had a good Thanksgiving day.
Tonight, a couple generas
are what I'm of split-mind to play.

The first hour is some ancient blues
(Most about sex, oddly enough)
That pretend to sing of food.

The second hour's other stuff.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Offshore and online at nine

There's no foul and little harm
It may fulfill a need
As we move to a place that's warm
(And maybe has some weed).

With all this talk of secession,
I'll remind you of Jamaica.
(And, along that same progression,
Point out similar Anguilla.)

Like anybody knows this shit.
Jesus Christ...just Google it.

Friday, November 9, 2012

We'll debate the results at nine

And so...
It's hard for some to comprehend
Why some lost and some won
The long hard race is at an end
And just what has been done?
After eighteen months of this,
The pundits screamed and farted.
With both sides full of hate and piss,

Friday, November 2, 2012

We'll keep it subtle at nine

In just four days, it's time to fight!
Something we'll think on tonight:
All those folks, left, mid, and right.

I'll reach into my back of tricks,
Throw at the wall the stuff that sticks
And play some songs on politics.

I'll play some tunes, one by one
And hopefully we'll have some fun.
Thank god, next week, it will be done!